What is Electrotherapy?
Electrotherapy is the treatment procedure that uses a machine to achieve the desired results. Over the years Physiotherapy has advanced in its own kind of technology that helps to tackle pain, swelling, muscle spasm and inflammation without having much of the side effects as that of the medicine. It is imperative to reduce the pain and inflammation before starting off the exercises or any other treatment procedure. If the pain and inflammation is not reduced, the desired effect of the exercises will not be achieved, thus delaying the healing process.
What are the modalities in electrotherapy?
Electrotherapy is the treatment procedure that uses a machine to achieve the desired results. Over the years Physiotherapy has advanced in its own kind of technology that helps to tackle pain, swelling, muscle spasm and inflammation without having much of the side effects as that of the medicine. It is imperative to reduce the pain and inflammation before starting off the exercises or any other treatment procedure. If the pain and inflammation is not reduced, the desired effect of the exercises will not be achieved, thus delaying the healing process.
How does Therapeutic Ultrasound work?
How does Therapeutic Ultrasound work?
Therapeutic Ultrasound uses sound frequency beyond the human hearing. IT has two frequencies at 1 MHZ and 3 MHZ. Therapeutic ultrasound works on healing tissues. Its therapeutic effects depends Thermal and non-Thermal effects. In the thermal mode In Thermal mode the objective is to heat the tissue to improve circulation and reduce muscle spasm. In non-thermal mode the main objective is to create a micro massage.
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How do IFT and TENS work?
This is a device that has electrodes (4 electrodes) that goes on to skin. From the main machine different wave form program is selected which is then delivered to the skin. If the current that is delivered in milliamps, in a controlled secure way. They stimulate the nerve endings which in turn work on Pain gate mechanism. This stimulation is received by the brain and thus the pain signals are stopped reaching the brain. By this the pain sensation is stopped. This in turns relaxes the muscles from there spasmodic mode
A physiotherapist after his/her assessment might be able to advice you better. Just generally health of your musculoskeletal structure would determine.
If you have;
- Swelling
- Muscle weakness
- Bruise
- Nerve pain
- Muscle spasm
You probably most likely would need electrotherapy.
Electrotherapy in Physiotherapy is used for the following:
-Faster healing of bruises and wounds
-Relaxing spasmodic Muscles
-Helps in Post-surgical pain
-Helps in Post-Trauma or injury pain
-Helps in local blood circulation
-Helps in Muscle re-education and Muscle Rehab after a nerve problem.
-Prevent muscle wasting
-Helps in achieving and/ or maintaining joints Range of Motion.
How can you book an appointment?
We aim to see you within 24 hours so contact us to make an appointment or to find out more information on how we can help you, please call us on 07515280990 or email us primephysiocareluton@gmail.com